viernes, 17 de enero de 2020

The best 5G mobile phone technology

5G mobile phone

In telecommunications, 5G is the acronym used to refer to the fifth generation of mobile telephony technologies.1 It is the successor to 4G technology. Its first standardized version (Release 15 - Stand Alone) is currently available, although telecommunications companies continue to research new technologies for later releases. Although the first commercial networks were launched in 2019, their use is expected to expand exponentially from 2020.2 3 4 5

The speed at which this technology is allowed to be navigated on mobile devices is up to 1.2 gigabits per second.
The Swedish company Ericsson was the first to reach 5G speeds, with live demonstrations of the standard prior to network technology (prestandard) 5G. In November 2014, Huawei announced the signing of an agreement with Russian mobile operator MegaFon for standardize and develop 5G test networks, with a view to the 2018 World Cup. In February 2017, the United Nations-dependent International Telecommunication Union (ITU) revealed some of the specifications of 5G technology; These include minimum download speeds of 20 Gbps and. Gbps upload, and 4 ms latency. It is intended to optimize devices to make it as efficient as possible for the Internet of Things (IoT). Everyone is expected to use that connectivity by 2025.

Projects and research

The South Korean program "5Gmobile communication systems based on beam-divisionmultiple access and relays with group cooperation" was formed in 2008. In Europe, Neelie Kroes, the European Commissioner, received EUR 50 million for research in 2013 with the aim of delivering 5G mobile technology by 2020. In particular, the METIS 2020 Project was driven by an automobile manufacturer and several telecommunications companies, and plans to reach a global consensus on the future mobile communications system. As a result, in 2013, another project was initiated, called 5Green, linked to the METIS project and with the aim of developing 5G Mobile green networks. Here, the goal is to develop guidelines for the definition of the next generation network with special attention to aspects of energy efficiency, sustainability and accessibility.
On Wednesday, December 20, 2017, the 3rd Generation Partnership Program (3GPP) approved, in Lisbon (Portugal), the specifications of New Radio 5G Non-Autonomous (NSA 5G NR, or Non-Standalone 5G New Radio). This is the first Fifth Generation (5G) standard for mobile networks officially approved by 3GPP.

In early 2018, the US company Qualcomm published on its website that 5G mobile telephony would be available during 2019.
Bruno Jacobfeuerborn, CTO of Deutsche Telekom, stated: "We think about that both the non-independent and autonomous method of the new radio are similarly significant for the trustworthiness of the standard 5G particular. This timely completion of the NSA is an important step in that journey and in the development of the 5G ecosystem. It is crucial that the industry now redoubles its focus in Standalone mode to make progress towards a complete 5G system, we can deliver key 5G innovations, such as network segmentation to our customers."

On February 20, 2018 Vodafone and Huawei completed the world's first 5G mobile call in Spain.
In August 2018, Samsung unveiled that it had ready the Samsung Exynos Modem 5100, its first 5G modem, compatible with the final specifications of the 3GPP. It is built with 10nm technology and is prepared for the latest 5G specifications, 5G-NR, and for previous radio versions (4G, 3G, 2G, GSMA, etc).

On November 20, 2018, Nokia and T-Mobile announced the first 5G data transmission in the low 600 MHz band, opening up good prospects for this frequency with a view to 2020.
In Chile, the first tests of the 5G network were carried out in November 2017 and May 2018, the first test being carried out by the operator Claro together with the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia, subsequently, in May 2018, the national operator Entel together with the Swedish telecommunications company, Ericsson, they conducted the second test in the country, reaching a record data transfer speed in South America, of 24Gbps.

On February 20, 2019 Samsung unveiled its first 5G mobile, the "Samsung Galaxy S10 5G"
On February 24, 2019, Huawei unveiled its first 5G mobile, the Huawei Mate X.
On 25 February 2019 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, Subtel Undersecretary Pamela Gidi of Chile announced that by March 2019 the tender would be launched to national operators for the development of the 5G Network. 60Mhz spectrum would be made available nationally between the 700 MHz and 3.5 GHz bands.

On April 9, 2019 in Uruguay, the state telephone ANTEL, with nokia support, successfully completed the installation of the first 5G commercial network in Latin America and the third in the world after the United States and South Korea.
In June 2019, Vodafone Spain began giving 5G in the main cities of Spain.

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